Monday, September 13, 2010

Banks is doing very well on his diet.

Ok so he doesn't look so happy. Poor little guy I think I can count the morsels he has eaten in three days..

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Banks Vet Day 09/08/2010

Banks had to have his molar yanked today! Ouch pardon the fact that I am to lazy to upload his photo with Dr. Anderson and his certificate of bravery. I will do it promise!
Banks is such a wonderful little doggy and he is now officially on a diet with his very own canine hcg drops. Yeah what would I do with a 13 pound dog, guess we are going to find out...
Ok Dr. Anderson's staff was kind enough to e mail me the photo of both. Sorry it doesn't not have his certificate with it but at least I got the photo on. Banks is doing well now that he is back with me.